Khan Academy Uzbek

Khan Academy Oʻzbek
4 min readSep 4, 2019


*Oʻzbek tilidagi matn bu yerda, на русском языке здесь.

Khan Academy Uzbek is a localization project of world-known free online educational platform Khan Academy ( into the Uzbek language. Below you can read a “little bit” about the job our team is performing. It will take 4 minutes. Let’s go!

What is Khan Academy?

Khan Academy is a non-governmental nonprofit organization that was founded in 2006 in the United States by Salman Khan — a graduate of MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) and Harvard University. The main goal of the academy is to provide high-quality and free education for everybody, everywhere. The project is funded by Google, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, many other organizations and individuals. The platform has more than 7,000 video lessons on mathematics, computer science, chemistry, physics, economics, biology, astronomy and other exact subjects. The platform has over 100,000 interactive examples and tasks. Khan Academy lessons are used in more than 190 countries and more than 74million people currently use the platform in 29 languages.

A few things worth mentioning:

Khan Academy is absolutely free. The intellectual property license is owned by Khan Academy is free and does not require additional funds for its translation into Uzbek;

Content is free. No matter how much time, effort and money we spend, the platform will be absolutely free for everyone. No one has the right to sell the content;

High quality. A local team who is working on localization should adhere to the Khan Academy methodology and be responsible for the quality of the content;

• As soon as the platform is fully localized, the local team may ask Khan Academy to create and publish on the platform additional items related to Uzbekistan (history of Uzbekistan, law, etc.).

Why is it important?

  • This platform will allow millions to have access to free and high-quality knowledge, not only in Uzbekistan, but also in other countries where Uzbek-speaking families live;
  • Children who do not have the opportunity to attend a tutor can have full access to high-quality education in the Uzbek language anywhere and anytime;
  • The platform is personalized and very flexible, this will allow teachers to give Khan Academy videos as homework, and in the classroom to focus on places that were not understandable to students.

Process of localization:

There are two types of content available on the Khan Academy platform:
▸ video materials;
▸ text materials (exercises, descriptions, articles and the platform itself).

It was planned to re-create 5,3 thousand video lessons and 7 million words of text material.

One of our studios where the video lessons are recorded

Who are we?

We are a nonprofit non-governmental organization “Bilim Onlayn” localizing Khan Academy platform to Uzbek language and are aimed to provide the world-class free education to everyone, everywhere and forever.

We are a big team that set a kind and noble goal. We believe that youth in Uzbekistan should have access to quality and free education, and we are united to achieve this. The project is supported by donations and everyone can contribute to its development. In addition, any person can join our team and support it not only financially, but also as a translator or editor; create video lessons as a teacher; help with design, social media marketing and PR; tell friends and family about the project , etc. — we appreciate any help.

Khan Academy Uzbek is not just a project (even if we call it that), it is a huge movement, a movement aimed at development of education.

What is done?

To date (January 24, 2021), the following goals have been achieved:

▸ 7 million words (100% of plan) are translated into Uzbek;
▸ More than 3 000 video lessons (out of 5.3K) are re-created.

The subjects such as early math, arithmetics, basic geometry, pre-algebra, algebra, trigonometry, physics and chemistry are live on The process of translation and video creation is available online through the following links:

Translation process: link
Video creation process: link

Donation information:

To pay via Visa/MasterCard or PayPal, go to our GoFundMe page:

You can support us financially through Click and Payme. Find us in the “Donate” section. Payment guides are here: for Click | for Payme

To transfer funds through a bank in US dollars:

Account number: 20212000400980475001
ITN: 207290667
Company name: NGO “Bilim Onlayn”
Address: 11b Abdulla Kadiri str., Yunusabad district, Tashkent, Uzbekistan, 100009

Bank of recipient: JSC “Aloqabank”
Address: 4 Amir Temur Avenue, Mirabad district, Tashkent, Uzbekistan, 100005

To transfer funds through a bank in Uzbek soums:

Account number: 20212000400980475001
ITN: 207290667
Company name: NGO “Bilim Onlayn”
Address: 11b Abdulla Kadiri str., Yunusabad district, Tashkent, Uzbekistan, 100009

Bank of recipient: JSC “Aloqabank”
IBT: 00401
ITN: 200829053
Address: Address: 4 Amir Temur Avenue, Mirabad district, Tashkent, Uzbekistan, 100005

Our contacts:

Telegram channel: @khanacademyuzbek
Telegram bot: @khanacademyuzbek_bot
Telegram Support: @khanacademyuzbek_admin | @uzcitizen | @elbek_bakhromov
Phone number: +998 97–130–9050
Facebook page:

